hair extensions

How To Wear And Style A Halo Extension

Looking to get extensions but not sure what options you have?

Halo Extensions are great for a temporary hair extension that you can put in when you want and take it off when you don’t need it!

If you’re thinking of getting hair extensions be sure to check out our blog: Everything You Need To Know About Hair Extensions.

How To Wear And Style A Halo Extension

Check out our tutorial on wearing and styling our favorite Halo extensions!

If you have questions about Halo Extensions feel free to message/call us or visit the salon to speak with a trained stylist!

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Extensions

Have you been considering getting hair extensions but still have questions? We’ve answered the most commonly asked questions about getting hair extensions to help you make your decision!

When you’re ready to get hair extensions be sure to book with Kellie & Company!

Extensions West Jordan Utah

What Hair Extensions Are Best? 

I wouldn’t say there is one best extension method. It really just comes down to what kind of maintenance you are willing to commit to, and what feels most comfortable for you to wear. 

For temporary extensions, there are clip-in options or Halo options.

Clip-ins are great for adding length and/or thickness to specific areas on your head.

A Halo extension is a weft of hair with a clear Miracle Wire worn like a headband. It adds length and thickness to your whole head of hair. A Halo is the easiest temporary extension because you don’t have to remember what piece of hair is supposed to be clipped in a specific spot. It takes less than 2 minutes to put on, and take off.

Halo extension hair typically lasts longer than other extension pieces because you don’t sleep in it, or wash it as often. You can curl or straighten a Halo.

More permanent extension options are tape-ins, sew-ins, beads, or keratin bonds. Most of these options have some kind of in-salon maintenance that needs to be done about every 6 weeks.

Tape-ins are a great option to add length and/or thickness to specific areas of your head.

Sew-ins are a very good option to add length and thickness all over. Sew-ins are probably the easiest to be able to still pull your hair up, and have a perfect blend with your natural hair to ensure your installation method can’t be seen.

Keratin bonds are a good option for those who have thinning hair close to their part or hairline. 

How Long Do Hair Extensions Last?

With proper maintenance, your extension hair can last about 1 year. 

What Kind Of Extensions Does Kellie & Company Offer? 

Currently, we offer tape-in extensions and Halo extensions.

How Much Do Hair Extensions Normally Cost? 

The cost of hair for tape-ins depends on the thickness of your natural hair. The thicker your natural hair is, the more extension hair you will need so that the extensions don’t look thin and straggly when adding extra length.

Also, the cost of the hair increases as the length increases.

Just to give you an idea, one pack of 12-inch tape-ins typically costs $224. One pack of 22-inch tape-ins typically costs $282. The recommended amount of packs to install is usually 2-3 packs of hair. The exact amount of hair needed can be determined in a consultation.

The cost of tape-in removal/installation is $85 an hour. Installation usually takes about an hour. Removal and move-up maintenance usually take about 2.5 hours. 

Halo extension prices are: 


12” Original $320 / Balayage $440

16” Original $370 / Balayage $490

20” Original $480 / Balayage $600

24” Original $560 / Balayage $680


14” Layered $450 / Balayage $570

18” layered $500 / Balayage $620

22” Layered $600 / Balayage $720

Are Hair Extensions Worth It? 

If you do your research on what kind of method is going to be best for your lifestyle, then yes! It really is key to figure out if temporary or permanent extensions are going to be best for your lifestyle and budget. 

How Do You Sleep Comfortably With Extensions?

It does take some getting used to, which usually just takes a couple of days. We recommend loosely braiding your hair before you go to bed. Do not sleep in clip-in or Halo extensions. 

How Do I Rehydrate My Extensions? 

Your extension hair is not nourished the same by your own natural oils. So it’s important to get a quality oil and heat protectant. We recommend Halo couture Silk Spritz or Sebastian Dark Oil. Do not use coconut oil on your extensions or natural hair. Coconut oil builds up on the hair. 

Can You Wash Your Hair With Extensions? 

Yes! We recommend Matrix Length Goals Shampoo and Conditioner when you have permanent extensions. Also, avoid using a conditioner close to your scalp or the area where the extension is attached. The conditioner can make the extension slip. If you have clip-ins or a Halo we recommend using Halocoutoure shampoo and conditioner. You will need to wash your clips or Halo separately from your natural hair. 

How Often Do You Wash Your Hair With Extensions? 

It’s recommended to wash your hair about 2 times a week. If you have clip-ins or a Halo you only need to wash the hair 1-2 times a month. 

What Hairstyles Can I Do With Hair Extensions? 

There is no limit to what kind of hairstyles you can do with either permanent or temporary extensions. Sometimes though with tape-ins, it can be a little uncomfortable to wear a high ponytail. 

Can You Put Your Hair Up With Extensions?


Do Hair Extensions Cause Hair Loss? 

If installed properly, no. It’s important to go to a certified stylist to ensure that matting, dreading, pulling, or stretching doesn’t occur. You will notice that when you take extensions out for maintenance that there is a lot of hair that is brushed out. This is because the hair that naturally falls out every day hasn’t been able to be shed because it’s been bonded either by adhesive or an anchor system.

Where To Get Hair Extensions Done?

Kellie & Company offers hair extension installations as well as some options for extensions. Book your consultation here or message/call the salon with any questions!

Still Have Questions About Hair Extensions?

Feel free to message up, give us a call, or visit the salon to speak with a trained stylist for a consultation!